Maryland shooting kills 5

28日,美国马里兰州首府安纳波利斯(Annapolis)发生枪击案。凶手在首府公报(Capital Gazette)新闻编辑室开枪,打死5名报社记者和新闻编辑人员,另有多人受伤。警方公布嫌犯名叫Jarrod Warren Ramos,曾于2012年起诉该家报纸诽谤其名誉,但未被受理。



“First of all, what happened in Annapolis seems to happen every few weeks, few months,” he said. “And I am heartbroken for the families, obviously, the news organization that was affected.”

He added: “And I am hopeful that each time one of these tragedies strikes, we remind ourselves that this is preventable. It is not inevitable, that America is not the only nation on earth that has people who are troubled or violent, but we are unique in the weapons that those people can deploy, and it is costly.”


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