Posted in 业界观察

The 419 Crime

Have you ever received such a letter or email? *The picture above is a sample letter/email from a sc…

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Posted in 业界观察

Warning: Stay Away from “juice jacking” – cellphone security tips

Juice jacking is a hot term these days, especially popular in the cybersecurity circle. Though no on…

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Posted in 教育培训

The Complete Guide to Security Professional Certifications

My newly published book on security certifications. Your comments and suggestions are highly welcome…

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Posted in 业界观察

Actually there are only 2 COVID-19 scams

Tricks and scams come along with any big incident — that’s almost a sure thing, perpetua…

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Posted in 业界观察

Crises, disasters, opportunities, it’s really up to you

There is a cliche that I keep hearing and seeing in nearly every article about crises or disasters: …

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Posted in 业界观察

What on earth are they – DR, RM, EM, CM, BCM…?

On the ASIS Shanghai Chapter conference (Dec 13), we touched upon the differences and interrelations…

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Posted in 会展信息

ASIS Shanghai Chapter Conference 2019

The ASIS Shanghai Chapter held its 2019 conference on Dec 13 in Shanghai, sponsored by ICD Security …

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Posted in 业界观察

Control Risks – Risk Map 2020

Control Risks has identified top 5 risks for business in 2020. Here is how you can read the report q…

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Posted in 业界观察

CCM – Cyber Crisis Management, a glimpse

All incidents are not created equal, to coin a phrase. It is particularly true for enterprises today…

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Posted in 业界观察

“红皇后”效应 – The Red Queen Effect

刚听了今年ASIS芝加哥年会演讲“Winning the Red Queen’s Race by Changing the Course”,我们来简单聊聊什么是 the Red Queen…

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Posted in 教育培训

Learning Guide for CM and BCM (1): Certification

If crisis management is part of your job, this article is for you. If you are a junior security mana…

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Posted in 热点事件

Are you ready to combat “The Plague”?

In addition to my official job title “Head of Corporate Security”, I have another specia…

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Posted in 业界观察


绝大多数安全经理人的工作职责里都有一项内容——要人护卫(Executive Protection, EP),其中一项具体内容就是贴身保护(close protection),俗称保镖(bodyguar…

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Posted in 资质认证

Only Certifications for Loss Prevention Professionals

If you are a loss prevention manager, or a security manager whose job covers loss prevention, here a…

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Posted in 业界观察

If we know what’s the crisis, why are we still unprepared?

I always enjoy reading survey reports, all kinds of them, because most surveys deliver surprising, o…

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Posted in 业界观察

I start security audit with paper shredders, what about you?

Written by: Flecher Feng, CPP, PSP, CFE Email: Where do you usually start in y…

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