Have you read the reports on Cargo Theft 2020?

Whether you are in the retail or logistics industries, theft is always on the radar of security managers.

Here are several reports on cargo theft for your further study (free pdf).

Reports on Cargo Theft (by bsi and TT Club)

Some interesting trends worth deep thought:

1. Top commodity stolen in 2020 is categorized as “other” (31%), followed by “food and beverage” (28%) which accounted for 18% in the 2018 report.

One must wonder what is “other”?

What contributed to the change of appetite of the perpetrators?

2. Top type of cargo theft in 2019 was “hijacking” (26%) whereas the same percentage belonged to “slash and grab” in 2018.

What has made the thieves more greedy, impatient and violent?

3. Most thefts occurred “in transit” in two consecutive years: 2018 – 29%; 2019 – 37%

Was it because more cargo were out there in transit in 2019, or because the routes were less guarded?

Reports on Retail Theft (by The National Retail Federation, NRF)

Your thoughts and comments are welcome.


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